To host the Supply Chain Insights Global Summit in a meaningful way, we designed the event for extreme networking. What does this mean?
Contrast to Traditional Event Formats
In a traditional supply chain event, sponsor activities dominate the program. The problem? As a result, the technologists’ messages dominate the agenda. Or the event is used for lead generation forcing business users to turn over their nametags.
Not so at the Supply Chain Insights Global Summit. We have no sponsorships or paid speaking opportunities. Sales teams from technology companies are discouraged to attend. Our goal is to pack the room with technology innovators (40%) and business leaders (60%). Through this design, we hope to spark new ways of working.
We recognize that the senses are the gateway to knowledge. The program is handpicked based on innovation, achievement or inspiration. The speakers and the bespoke research serve as the on ramp for small group discussions between innovators and business leaders.
These discussions then form larger ideas and are captured in visual facilitation. At the end of the event, each attendee leaves with a visual representation of the discussion–and even more importantly, contacts and relationships forged through great discussion. These conversations form meaningful and ongoing dialogues to continue after the conference is over. The goal is to build a guiding coalition for change.

What to Expect at the Global Summit
Research, hand-picked speakers and fun are a winning combination. The event is designed to keep energy high. This includes fun runs, yoga, dancing, special entertainment, and tours. Every aspect of the event is designed to build long-lasting relationships.
See You There?
The 2022 event is in Washington. Land at Dulles Airport and take the shuttle to the Westin Hotel. Save the date for September 6th-8th. We hope to see you there.